This week is mental health awareness week. Mental health is a subject particularly close to my heart, and everyone can suffer with mental health issues. Generating more awareness of mental health helps eliminate the stigma which constantly surrounds it.

The Electrical Industries Charity (EIC) provide support and advice to those who work in the electrical industry. On their website they have a mental health calendar where they focus on key tops which could affect your mental health. They also offer mental health awareness training, and mental health first aider training. According to the EIC, 1 in 4 people are now diagnosed with a mental health disorder. There is also alarming rates of attempted suicide.

Signs and Symptoms

Early intervention is extremely important when diagnosing a mental health disorder. The EIC recommend you be aware of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Exhausted and tearful
  • Frequent headaches and stomach upsets
  • Change in sociability
  • Less confident and disinterested in life
  • Poor performance or time-keeping at work
  • Moody or uncommunicative at work

This is only to name a few, and signs and symptoms can vary depending on the individual and disorder. You can find out more HERE.

Improving Your Mental Wellbeing

  1. Relax – Life can be hectic, however amongst the chaos its important to take some time out for yourself. Whether that be going for a walk, reading a book, or catching up on your favourite TV programme, its important to switch off sometimes. Meditation is also supposed to be very beneficial for your mental health. Apps such as Headspace and Calm are highly recommended when beginning meditation.
  2. Exercise – Being active is hugely beneficial to your overall wellbeing. The release of endorphins helps improve your mood, and also decreases stress levels. Not all of us enjoy exercising, however it can be as simple as going for a walk or a bike ride. I personally find that getting fresh air really helps clear my mind. With exercise classes such as Zumba, Clubbercise, and BOUNCE, exercise can be a lot of fun! Need exercise which is low impact on your joints? Try swimming, yoga, or walking.
  3. Healthy Lifestyle – Your overall lifestyle contributes to your mental health. Having a healthy diet, plenty of sleep, and exercising can all have a positive impact. However we all have the odd late night, drink to much alcohol, or overindulge in chocolate and takeaways. This is nothing to feel guilty about, life is all about balance at the end of the day!
  4. Socialise – Socialising with friends and family is extremely important. One of the biggest causes of depression is loneliness. Therefore do make time for others in your life, as talking alone can be really beneficial when you are feeling upset or anxious. If you are feeling lonely and have nobody you can confide in, Mind have helplines you can get in contact with. They can also suggest local groups where you could meet new people.  A pet can also be a great companion.
  5. Hobbies – Starting a new hobby or learning a new skill can be perfect at taking your mind off things. Hobbies help you focus on the task ahead, and you get the satisfaction of learning something new or creating something from scratch.

Getting Help

We are by no means mental health professionals, however we know how difficult life can be at times. If you’re struggling then make sure to confide in a friend, family member, or even a work colleague. It is also important to seek help from a health care professional. Your doctor can provide you with advice, and also offer counselling or medication if required. Mental health is alarmingly common and there really is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.

If you or someone you love is suffering with a mental health disorder, Mind list several helplines HERE where you can gain support and advice for various issues.

At Fulcher Edwards Ltd, electricians in St Albans, we always encourage good mental health and like to eliminate any pressure from our clients. If we can provide any electrical support or advice then please do not hesitate to contact us HERE.